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Having the opportunity to explore the music library and sound archives at BGSU sounds like it was an incredible experience! One day, I would like to do the same thing if given the opportunity!

You definitely have the intelligence, skill and knowledge to write a dissertation and/or a book(s). I am quite confident that it is only a matter of time before you do so.

As for your experience doing embedded tutoring in an ESL class, I would like to talk to you about that. Unfortunately, I have not been getting good feedback from students about the ESL classes at Truman. I don't think it is only a Truman problem per se, as their complaints are also relevant to what is happening at other City Colleges, non-profits in and outside of Chicago and of course for-profit providers of language instruction, but it is a serious one that is significantly affecting student retention.

I do believe that it is related to curriculum development, course design, hiring, instruction and evaluation.

I wish you the best on the Zoom interview that you had with Earlham College for the marketing position there. They would be foolish not to hire someone as talented as you! Also, I know someone who works in a similar capacity at Loyola. She volunteers at CHIRP as a DJ and might be able to open a door for you although there are no guarantees. Let me know if you want to talk with her, and I will introduce you.

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